Melanie Jopling
We had three excellent Zoom presentations from Melanie, all of them recorded and two of them with accompanying notes. There are links below to the recordings and to the notes.
The first one, from July 2023, was on Chronic Fatigue in general:
click for the recording
Passcode: r2&XeunA
It also included the pdf file of slides CFS ME.pdf which are linked
Here's what Melanie said about it:
"Hello, I'm Melanie Jopling, a qualified and registered nutritionist and nutritional therapist who works to support clients with CFS/ME and clients with gut issues, or both!
I'm excited to be joining you on 12th July at 6pm a for a talk about how I work with CFS/ME. I anticipate us being together for about an hour, so please bring a cuppa, and whatever snacks you might need to see you through.
On the evening, I'll tell you a little about me and my own CFS/ME journey and then we will get stuck in:
We will be diving into what causes CFS/ME, - it's not just Lyme disease or a viral infection (for the record, I had neither!)
We will cover why it doesn't go away - from mould to gut health via personality types, toxicity, and infection -
not too heavy, just to increase your awareness.
And we will be looking at where you are now, where you would like to be and what can be done to move forwards, CFS/ME doesn't have to be the life sentence that we are handed by the medical profession. I will give you information about the best way to tackle what's going on in your body, with suggestions of where to start and what can be helpful, none of which was covered by the NHS support that I and most of you will have received, but which is essential to allow your body to heal.
There will be plenty of chance to ask questions and for discussion. I shall also be joining you for your social event the following week, so you will have a second opportunity to pick my brains should there be something you would like to find out more about."
The next one was in November 2023 and was on Nutrition:
click for the recording
Passcode: 0d%&f#3p
and the notes which are linked
Our final presentation from Melanie was in February 2024 on the topic of sleep:
click for the recording
Passcode: ncP&.4T2
There were no notes to go with that one.
Sleep Unlimited
This interesting Zoom presentation took place on 12th September and unfortunately was not recorded but here are the accompanying notes:
click here
visitors since 30 September 2024